Securing Artifacts

Here are the list of requirements for securing artifacts. Each one has a list of tools used to achieve it.

1. Sign Every Step in the Build Process

Tool capability

  • sign attestations for every step in the build process
  • define all expected steps in the build process with identities


  • SLSA (level 1)
  • in-toto
  • Tekton (chains)

2. Validate the Signatures Generated at Each Step

Tool capability

  • verify attestations of every step


  • in-toto
  • Kyverno (signatures of output images are verified before running containers)

3. Use TUF/Notary to manage signing of artefacts

Tool capability

  • delegate trust for specific artifacts to specific developers
  • enable developer signing of metadata
  • prevent rollback attacks on developer signatures


  • TUF
  • Tekton (chains uses Sigstore)
  • Kyverno (Kyverno supports Sigstore)

4. Use a store to manage metadata from in-toto

Tool capability

  • store in-toto metadata


  • Sigstore (Rekor?)
  • in-toto (integrated with Rekor, Grafeas, Archivist etc.)
  • Tekton (chains)

5. Limit which artefacts any given party is authorized to certify

Tool capability

  • specify trusted entities for each artifact in policy
  • enforce this limitation


  • in-toto
  • TUF
  • Kyverno (Kyverno policy on who is trusted for each signature)

6. Build in a system for rotating and revoking private keys

Tool capability

  • change policy to revoke a trusted key
  • change policy to rotate a trusted key
  • communicate these changes to users


  • Sigstore (Fulcio)
  • in-toto (in-toto layouts can rotate and revoke keys for attestations, layout keys are managed separately such as by using TUF)
  • TUF

7. Use a container registry that supports OCI image-spec images

Tool capability

  • follow the OCI spec


  • Sigstore (cosign)
  • Tekton (Pipelines and Chains)
  • Kyverno (Kyverno works with OCI registries)

8. Encrypt artefacts before distribution & ensure only authorized platforms have decryption capabilities

Tool capability

  • create policy for which platforms have decryption capabilities
  • enforce this policy


  • none