Securing Build Pipelines

Here are the list of requirements for securing build pipelines. Each one has a list of tools used to achieve it.

1. Cryptographically guarantee policy adherence

Tool capability

  • attest to steps
  • verify policy adherence
  • define the policy


  • SLSA (level 1)
  • in-toto

2. Validate environments and dependencies before usage

Tool capability

  • validate dependencies
  • validate environments
  • verify signatures on build images


  • in-toto (in-toto can wrap the fetch / bootstrap processes and metadata can be consumed by upper-turtle processes via sublayouts)
  • SPIFFE (validates environments)
  • Tekton (there is an open TEP to integrate with SPIFFE to validate node/workload)
  • Kyverno (If the environment is a container, Kyverno can verify the policy (allowed source, signer))

3. Validate runtime security of build workers

Tool capability

  • monitor runtime processes
  • attest to runtime operations
  • verify runtime attestations
  • trusted execution environment


  • in-toto (runtime trace attestations)

4. Validate Build artifacts through verifiably reproducible builds

Tool capability

  • make reproducible build
  • re-build images in isolated environments (security enclaves/trust boundaries)
  • validate builds from multiple sources


  • in-toto
  • apko

5. Lock and Verify External Requirements From The Build Process

Tool capability

  • lock and record external requirements
  • verify external requirements


  • apko

6. Find and Eliminate Sources Of Non-Determinism

Tool capability

  • make diffs of builds


  • apko

7. Record The Build Environment

Tool capability

  • record the build environment


  • SLSA (level 3)
  • in-toto (in-toto provides the formats, it’s unopinionated about what’s recorded)
  • apko
  • Tekton (Chains)

8. Automate Creation Of The Build Environment

Tool capability

  • environment creation automation


  • apko
  • Tekton (Pipelines)

9. Distribute Builds Across Different Infrastructure

Tool capability

  • define multiple infrastructure setups
  • run builds in multiple environments


  • Tekton (Pipelines)

Tool capability

  • define pipeline in code
  • run pipeline as code


  • SLSA (level 1)
  • apko
  • Tekton (Pipelines)

11. Standardize pipelines across projects

Tool capability

  • none


  • Tekton (Pipelines)

12. Provision a secured orchestration platform to host software factory

Tool capability

  • perform secure orchestration


  • Tekton (Pipelines)

13. Build Workers Should be Single Use

Tool capability

  • single-use containerized builders
  • verify that builders are single use
  • attest to build identity


  • SLSA (level 3)
  • in-toto (can be validated via runtime trace attestations)
  • Tekton (Pipelines)

14. Ensure Software Factory has minimal network connectivity.

Tool capability

  • check for and monitor network connections


  • SLSA (level 3)
  • in-toto (can be validated via runtime trace attestations)

15. Segregate the Duties of Each Build Worker

Tool capability

  • define scope of each build worker
  • attest to which build worker performs each action
  • verify that build workers follow the policy


  • in-toto
  • Tekton (Pipelines)

15. Pass in Build Worker Environment and Commands

Tool capability

  • provision build workers with environment and commands within a hermetic build environment


  • in-toto (can be validated via runtime trace attestations)
  • Tekton (Pipelines)

16. Write Output to a Separate Secured Storage Repo

Tool capability

  • secured storage repo


  • Sigstore (Rekor)
  • in-toto (depending on where you put the in-toto metadata)

17. Only allow pipeline modifications through “pipeline as code”

Tool capability

  • attest to pipeline state and modifications
  • verify that pipeline modifications are made through pipeline as code
  • ensure pipeline goes through source control


  • SLSA (level 3)
  • Tekton (Pipelines)

18. Define user roles

Tool capability

  • define user roles
  • attest to role for each action
  • enforce user roles


  • in-toto

19. Follow established practices for establishing a root of trust from an offline source

Tool capability

  • securely distribute root of trust
  • chain from existing trusted root


  • TUF

20. Use short-lived Workload Certificates

Tool capability

  • create short-lived certificates
  • verify short-lived certificates using their validity period
  • verify that workload certificates are short-lived


  • in-toto (integrates with SPIFFE/SPIRE)
  • Tekton (TEP to integrate with SPIRE)

21. Deploy monitoring tools to software factory to detect malicious behaviour

Tool capability

  • runtime monitoring
  • analysis of built artifacts


  • in-toto (runtime trace attestations generated using tools like tetragon)
  • Tekton (TEP to integrate with SPIRE)